Monday, October 26, 2009

Being My Own Career Coach

I had a career coach for several years. She was very good, helped me to face up to some prickly career issues and helped me to find the courage to make some changes. Most importantly, she helped me to trust my own intuition.

Now I find myself in a tricky career spot once again; complex intertwining issues, strong emotions, little support. I don't have money for coaching at this point, and I'm not sure who I would hire anyway. My former coach knew little or nothing about my profession, and I feel I need someone with that background at this point.

In the end, I decided the best coach for me might be - me. So I did a very un-librarian-like thing and Googled "how to be your own career coach" - and came up with a good inspiring hit (along with lots of links to career coaches. Yes, I saw that one coming) in 4 tips for being your own career coach from the Brazen Careerist. Following Penelope Trunk's guidelines is an exercise in stepping away from oneself to find the answers within.