Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Pushing My Envelope

As a digital librarian, I’ve developed a broad range of skills and have the potential for great visibility into other professions which I often take advantage of and sometimes even aspire to. In the corporate arena in which I work, the noose is visibly tightening around libraries and information centers. In the past few years, I’ve seen librarians retire, exhausted from the constant need for justification of their services. Others have moved to the public or academic areas, often lower paying but rewarding in other ways as well as somewhat more secure. Yet others morph to related professions or become independent. All of these choices at some point require a broader view.

Taking a broader view is exactly what I aim to do in this blog. I am trying to excel in my present position but am acutely aware of the need to prepare for my next position, whatever that may be. I envision writing about a huge variety of topics – learning new and diverse skills, the lessons learned from my present situation and past experiences, observations that I may not yet understand but seem useful and/or interesting, books and articles I’ve read or listened to (I’m a big audio book fan), applications and services I’ve used and/or heard about.

I’m pushing my own envelope here, but I know I’m not taking this journey alone. Comments are welcome.