Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Outbrain Widget

In an effort to figure out more blogging angles than simply writing, I've added the Outbrain widget to this blog. As I understand it, you'll see the widget at the bottom of the blog post (it can also be displayed on top), recommending related posts. These recommendations are based on the content of the post. If you rate the post, you'll supposedly get more focused recommendations.

The widget was very easy to install. You can also get all sort of statistics on your ratings and views. I think it's a pretty cool tool. In my book it gets high marks for connecting blogs exposing readers to more blogs that they're interested in, and for its high usability.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey Paesley,

Thanks for the great post. We hope you enjoy the outbrain widget. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.

the outbrain team